Shahabuddin Medical College | Best MBBS Institute
MBBS in Bangladesh

Shahabuddin Medical College

  • Shahabuddin Medical College

    • September 5, 2021
    • Posted By : MBBS in Bangladesh
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    • MBBS Admission 2024-25 MBBS Admission in Bangladesh MBBS in Bangladesh Top Medical Colleges in Bangladesh

    Shahabuddin Medical College

    Welcome to Shahabuddin Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. this is often one among the simplest Private Medical colleges in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and situated at the foremost prestigious, secured, and diplomatic Area of the capital city of Bangladesh also because the heart of Dhaka City.

    It’s very fabulously built college buildings in its own land of 12 storied buildings having 2,40,000 sqft. it had been established in 2003, fulfilling all the rules and criteria found out by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council, and therefore the University of Dhaka. the govt has been pleased to offer permission for admission of 100 students per annum MBBs course for each session.

    The Shahabuddin Medical College is additionally enlistment of Medical College is that the world directory of medical schools and International Medical Education Directory ( IMED) required applying for USMLE examination by ECFMG USA for job/post-graduate training USA & North American countries. it’s 500 bedded running Hospital with outdoor & senior facilities and is usually busy with patients. Academic faculty is far enriched with senior renowned Professors and also energetic dedicated junior and mid-level teachers. it’s excellent hostel facilities for both local and overseas students are available.

    Library with all recommended Textbooks, Reference books, Journals including International ones is provided. Internet facilities also are available. Extra academic cultural activities, games, and sports facilities are there. Forty percent (40%) seats are available for foreign students.

    Shahabuddin Medical CollegeAt present foreign students are already studying in our college from different countries like Nepal, India & Kashmir. they’re considerably proud of the prevailing congenital and academic environment of the school & Hospital.

    Application is invited for admission into 1st-year MBBS for the tutorial session 2019-2020 in Shahabuddin Medical College under Dhaka University.


    Total Fees for MBBS Course ( 5 years Duration) is USD 45,000 (Excluding Hostel)

    Contact Fortune Education at +880 1995529533 for Fees Details

    At the time of admission, all students will need to pay a minimum of 1 (01) year hostel seat rent beforehand if they desire to measure during a hostel. Hostel accommodation fees are an equivalent as local students for one year. All students will clear their hostel seat rent before appearing within the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & Final professional MBBS examination. If they fail within the Final Professional MBBS Examination, they’re going to need to pay US$ 800.00 (Eight hundred US Dollars) for every attempt altogether subjects and US$ 267.00 for every subject.

    All students will clear their tuition & others fees goodbye they continue their regular courses. All students need to pay the other charges which can be imposed by the concerned authority associated with the MBBS course, like RFST, study tour, autopsy visit, etc.

    Fortune Education
    Pioneer & Leading Authorized Representative of Medical Colleges in Bangladesh & Abroad
    Head Office: 23/C, Zigatola, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
    Bangladesh: +8801995529533
    India: +919903355537
    Website: ,

    Sylhet Women's Medical College


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Head Office

House #23/C, Zigatola, Dhanmondi,
Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh.
Phone: +880 1995529533 | +91-9903355537

Medical College

Sylhet Women’s Medical College

Medical College For Women & Hospital

Diabetic Association Medical College

Islami Bank Medical College

Marine City Medical College