Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) is the premier Postgraduate Medical Institution in the country. It bears the heritage to the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Research (IPGMR) which was established in December 1965. In the year 1998, the Government converted IPGMR into a Medical University for expanding the facilities for higher medical education and research in the country. It has an enviable reputation for
providing high-quality postgraduate education in different specialties. Most importantly, the university has a strong link with other professional bodies at home and abroad. The university is expanding rapidly and at present, the university has many departments equipped with modern technology for service, teaching, and research.
Besides education, the university plays a vital role in promoting research activities in various disciplines of medicine. Since its inception, the university has also been delivering general and specialized clinical services as a tertiary level healthcare center
Computed Tomography is known as CT Scan in short. It is one kind of X-ray. With the help of the computer, it creates more detailed images of the inside of the body. CT scan can be done for any part of the body. It is painless and it does not take much time. You may have seen in movies or TV that a person lying and entering in a doughnut-shaped CT machine.
CT Scan with Contrast means substances are taken to visualize the soft part of the body like digestive tract when taken orally or vein when the contrast media is given in a vein. Normally CT scan does not have any major side effects. Some may develop rashes which disappear usually within a few days.
Physical Organization
BSMMU complex has six main multistoried buildings that are identified as Block-A, Block-B, Block-C, Block-D and Cabin Block, F-Block respectively.
Block-A is a 7 storied building and accommodates the library, lecture theater, auditorium, hospital record section, students hostel, dental faculty and blood transfusion services. The library has a fairly large collection of current and back volumes of periodicals, textbooks, monographs and other related material.
Block-B is a 6 storied building which at its eastern wing accommodates the office of the Vice-Chancellor, administrative block, controller office, reception, conference hall, radiology department, digital library, hospital kitchen, maintenance department stores, endoscopy room, CT scan & MRI room, residential accommodation for the duty doctors and nurses.
The western part of Block-B is a 9 storied building and accommodates all the departments of basic medical sciences such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Hematology, Virology and Microbiology. A one-stop laboratory services is located at the ground floor. The animal house are located near this B-block in a separate building.
Block-C is the 10 storied main hospital building. This block accommodates the office of the Director of hospital and his administration, reception, telephone exchange, departments of Physical medicine, Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric neurology, Pediatric surgery, Clinical pathology, Dermatology, Nephrology, Urology, Neurology, Neuro-Surgery, Ophthalmology, ENT, Obstetrics & gynecology, Surgery, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Lithotripsy room, Operation theater, Anesthesiology, Pain clinic, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) & Post-operative ward.
Block-D is the 18 storied building (under construction). This block accommodates the Emergency, Casualty, Cardiac emergency, Obstetric & gynecology emergency, Orthopedics emergency, Cardiology, Cath Lab, CCU, Cardiac surgery, Vascular surgery, Pediatric hematology & oncology, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology, Orthopedics, Phychiatry, Gastroenterology,
Hematology, Medicine, Oncology & Institute of Nuclear Medicine (INM) a joint project of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission and BSMMU.
The INM has modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities including computerized ultrasonography, gamma camera and a well equipped radioimmunoassay (RIA) laboratory. This is considered to be the best center for non-invasive diagnoses.
Block-E is a 6 storied building. This block accommodates the Pediatric hematology & oncology (some activities), Super specialized hospital project office, IPNA Auditorium, Mamoni maternal and newborn care strengthening, Newborn health strengthening program office, Skill lab (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), University Fistula Center, Palliative Medicine, Information Technology Cell.
1. Faculty of Medicine
2. Faculty of Surgery
3. Faculty of Basic Science and Para Clinical Science
4. Faculty of Dentistry
5. Faculty of Pediatrics
6. Faculty of Nursing
7. Faculty of Medical Technology
8. Faculty of Preventive and Social Medicine
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Dermatology and Venereology
Endocrinology & Metabolism
Internal Medicine
Medical Oncology
Nuclear Medicine
Palliative Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Radiation Oncology
Transfusion Medicine
3.Paediatric Cardiology
4.Paediatric Gastroenterology
5.Paediatric Haematology & Oncology
6.Paediatric Nephrology
7.Paediatric Neurology & Neuro Development
Bangladesh has public and private medical colleges, including Army Medical Colleges and government medical institutions.
Pioneer & Leading Authorized Representative of Medical Colleges in Bangladesh & Abroad
Head Office: 23/C, Zigatola, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh.
Offices in India: Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Jammu & Kashmir, Bihar.