Objectives of BDS Course Curriculum — To prepare a dental surgeon with the required knowledge, skill, and attitude to practice dental surgery to improve oral & dental health in the community
1. Admission Requirements: The candidate must have passed S.S.C & H.S.C examinations from any one of the Secondary & Higher Secondary
Education Boards of Bangladesh. H.S.C. the examination must be in Premedical Group i.e. Science with Physics, Chemistry & Biology. They must have obtained at least 60% marks /GPA 3.0 marks in the combined S.S.C & H.S.C. examinations or equivalent qualifications. Detailed criteria for the selection of candidates are determined from year to year by the Director-General of Health Services (Medical Education & Health Manpower Development).
A candidate selected for admission in the Dental College is obliged to follow the curriculum, rules, and regulations as approved by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and the respective University. Curriculum, rules, or regulations are subject to changes from time to time.
2. The medium of Instruction And Assessment- The medium is English.
3. Recognised Dental Institutions For Undergraduate Dental Course:-
Dhaka Dental College, Dental units of Chittagong Medical College and
Rajshahi medical college and other institutions are affiliated and recognized by the appropriate authority.
4.1 Duration of The Course : The BDS Course Curriculum shall comprise four years of studies followed by one year of compulsory Professional practice in the form of a rotatory internship. The course will be divided into four years and will consist of Eight Terms. The allocation of time for Four years of academic studies shall be as follows:
Allocation of Time (In Weeks).
First Year Term -1 ……………………………… 24 weeks
Term -2 ……………………………… 24 weeks
University Exam ………………….. 3 weeks
Vacations ……………………………. 1 week.
Total: Part-1 ………………………… 52 weeks.
2nd Year Term -3 ……………………………… 24 weeks
Term -4 ……………………………… 24 weeks
University Exam ………………….. 3 weeks
Vacations ……………………………. 1 week.
Total: Part-II……………………….. 52 weeks.
3rd yrs Term -5 ……………………………… 24 weeks
Term -6 ……………………………… 24 weeks
University Exam ………………….. 3 weeks
Vacations ……………………………. 1 week.
Total: Part-III…………………….. 52 weeks.
4th-year Term -7 ……………………………… 24 weeks
Term -8 ……………………………… 24 weeks
University Exam ………………….. 3 weeks
Vacations ……………………………. 1 week.
Total: Part-IV……………………. 52 weeks.
Total for four years = 208 weeks (4 years) Of the 24 weeks allocated for each TERM, at least 20 weeks should be utilized for teaching. The last four weeks in a term could be utilized for Term examinations and for making up any losses due to official holidays during the term. BDS Course Curriculum update.
4.2. ACADEMIC SCHEME : A term having 20 weeks for teaching will have at least 100 full working days and therefore approximately 600 hours of teaching time. On this basis each year will have approximately 1200 hours of teaching time BDS Course Curriculum.
2. 4.2.1 Subject to be taught each year
4.2.2. Each subject must introduce a card and its satisfactory completion by the Students should be obligatory before being sent up for University Examination. The card must be made available during practical University Examination and the results of the term-ending card examination maybe consulted for reference where required.
4.2.3. The seminar or Integrated Teaching System will be introduced from the beginning of the 1st year and it should be organized periodically, at the end of each system or topic.
*General Medicine includes: Infectious diseases, Chest, diseases and general diseases
**General Surgery includes: Otolaryngology, Ophthalmology & Orthopedic Surgery 3rd. Prof. B.D.S Examination should be held at the end of Year III on a prefixed date (as per schedule in 9.1). The subjects to be examined are:- (i) General Medicine. (ii) General Surgery and (iii) Periodontology and Oral Pathology.
8.2 Final Professional B.D.S Examination shall be held at the end of Year IV on a prefixed date (as per schedule in 9.1) The subjects to be examined are : (i) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; (ii) Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics : (iii) Prosthodontics (iv) Orthodontics and (iv) Paediatric dentistry.
9.1 All the four professional B.D.S examinations will start Simultaneously, in the 1st week of February & August in each year. The routine for conducting written examinations will be prefixed as follows : (this may be revised on the experiences gathered during 2000-2001) 1st day of Examination Anatomy with Histology – 1st year
General & Dental Pharmacology – 2nd year Medicine -3rd year Prosthodontics -Final year 2nd day of Examination Physiology with Biochemistry -1st year Pathology & Microbiology -2nd year General Surgery -3rd year Orthodontia -Final year 3rd day of Examination Science of Dental Materials -1st year Oral Anatomy with Physiology -2nd year Period ontology & Oral Pathology -3rd year Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics -Final year 4th day of Examination Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery -Final year Dental Public health -2nd year 5th day of Examination Paediatrics Dentistry -Final year for BDS Course Curriculum.
9.2 Practical, Oral, and Clinical examinations for each group of Examiners will start as soon as possible after the completion of the written examinations. The routine for practical/oral/Clinical examination will be drawn up in such a way that the oral Practical/Clinical examination can be completed within-2-3 weeks and the whole examination is completed within a period of 4-5 weeks. The routine for Oral/Practical/Clinical examinations should be drawn up in such a manner,
that more or less equal gaps are provided between the subjects for each batch of Examinees. The results of the examinations are to be published within 10(ten) days after the completion of whole examinations.
9.3. Simultaneously with the introduction of the new Examination system, card system for each subject (including clinical subjects) shall be gradually introduced for continuous evaluation of students’ performances during the the course of studies. A student who does not complete the card in a particular the subject will not be allowed to appear in the University Examination in that subject.
9.4. If a student does not pass all the subjects of anyone B.D.S Examination he/she will not be eligible to appear in any subject of the next higher B.D.S Examination.
9.5. Any student passing all the subjects of any B.D.S Examination & successfully completes one academic year will be allowed to sit for the next higher and subsequent B.D.S. examinations.
9.6 A student who fails in second chance in a particular professional B.D.S examination will not be allowed to attend classes in higher class except 3rd-year students, till he/she clears his or her failed subjects and is promoted to a higher class.
9.7 Students who do not appear in a particular subject or examination will be considered as failed in that subject or examination and will be dealt with accordingly.
9.8 Students passing in the regular BDS Examination will be eligible to obtain honors (75%) & place (up to 10 places) in order of merit.
9.9 They should be two boards (4 examiners) during the exam for each subject.
9.10 Term examination will carry some marks allotted for each subject taught during the terms. All the marks allotted for the term examination shall be consulted during the practical part of the University Examination BDS Course Curriculum. The distribution of marks is shown in Table