MBBS in Bangladesh

Education System in Bangladesh

Education is the backbone of a nation. For a country like Bangladesh, with a vast population and diverse culture, education is the key to socio-economic development and prosperity. The education system in Bangladesh has evolved over time, reflecting the nation’s history, traditions, and aspirations. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the education system in Bangladesh, its structure, strengths, challenges, and the path forward.

Historical Background
The history of education in Bangladesh can be traced back to the ancient times with the establishment of traditional learning centers called ‘Maktab’ and ‘Madrasa’. The British colonial period introduced English and western educational structures. Post-independence in 1971, the country embarked on extensive educational reforms to build an inclusive and progressive education system.

Structure of the Education System
Bangladesh’s education system can be broadly categorized into three levels:

  1. Primary Education (Grade I-V):
  1. Secondary Education (Grade VI-XII):
  2. Tertiary Education:

Key Strengths

Medical Study in Bangladesh

  1. Massive Enrollment: Primary education in Bangladesh boasts an impressive enrollment rate, reflecting the nation’s commitment to universal primary education.
  2. Gender Parity: Bangladesh has successfully achieved gender parity in primary and secondary education enrollment.
  3. Vocational and Technical Training: With the introduction of technical and vocational education, Bangladesh aims to enhance youth employability.

Challenges: Areas of Focus

  1. Education Quality: The disparity between enrollment rates and quality of education is a growing concern.
  2. Infrastructure Issues: Many rural schools lack facilities, impeding optimal learning.
  3. Dropout Dilemma: Despite high initial enrollment, secondary education sees considerable dropouts.
  4. Private Tutoring Reliance: The surge in private tutoring highlights gaps in mainstream education.

Education System in Bangladesh

The Road Ahead: Reimagining Education

  1. Embracing Digital Education: Modern tools can enhance interactive learning.
  2. Investing in Teacher Training: Improved teacher quality can elevate the entire educational experience.
  3. Holistic Curriculum: Beyond academics, life skills and critical thinking should be prioritized.
  4. Promoting Inclusivity: Ensuring marginalized communities get equal educational opportunities.

I) National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM)

This Academy is the peak preparing establishment under the MoE in charge of giving establishment preparing to BCS (general training) unit officers. it additionally gives in-benefit preparing to senior instructive overseers and educators of the auxiliary and higher optional levels. This institute is going by a Director General.

(ii) National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB)

This Board is a self-governing association under the Ministry of Education (MoE). It is in charge of the advancement of educational programs, creation and appropriation of course readings at essential, auxiliary and higher optional levels.

(iii) Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)

This association is in charge of gathering, accumulation and spread of instructive data and insights at different levels and sorts of training. This association is the fundamental organ of the MoE in charge of gathering and production of instructive information and insights.

It additionally works as the Educational Management Information System (EMIS) of the Ministry. It is additionally the National Coordinator of RINSACA (Regional Informatics for South and Central Asia).

(iv) Directorate of Inspection and Audit (DIA)

This Directorate is going by a Director and is in charge of review and review went for enhancing the standard of training of the Non-legislative organizations at the optional level.

Advance more, various self-governing bodies have an offer in the organization of training. These are :

(I) University Grants Commission (UGC)

The University Grants Commission is in charge of supervision of the general population and private colleges and portion of government stipends to them.

(ii) National University

This is an open affiliating college in charge of scholastic control of all the subsidiary schools offering courses in Graduate level Pass, Honors and Masters and for directing Bachelor Degree and Masters examinations.

(iii) Education Boards

Eight Boards of Intermediate and Secondary Education are in charge of leading general society examinations, for example, Junior School Certificate, Secondary School Certificate and Higher Secondary Certificate level open examinations. The Boards are likewise in charge of the recognization of the Non-government and private part instructive establishment.

(iv) Madrasha Education Board

This Board is in charge of leading open examinations, for example, Junior Dhakil Certificate, Dakhil and Alim levels.The Boards are likewise in charge of the recognization of the Non-government madrashas.

(v) Technical Education Board

This Board is endowed with the assignment of directing authentication and confirmation examinations in specialized instruction. The Boards are additionally in charge of the recognization of the Non-government specialized and professional instructive foundations.

(vi) Non-Governmental Teachers’ Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA)

The NTRCA has been set up in February 2005 with the command to direct examination for the enrollment of effective applicants who might be qualified for arrangement in the non-government instructive organizations.

The NTRCA has been made by the legislature with the goal of enhancing the showing nature of the non-government optional, graduate and post graduate level instructors barring open and private colleges.

Education Structure

Medical, Nursing and Health Education

Aims and Objectives A healthy and able population is a must for a country to move forward. For this, it needs health awareness, preventive measures to combat diseases, proper treatment and medical facilities. So proper education is essential to produce sufficient doctors, nurses, male nurses, health workers and specialists. Learners have to gain professional competency and at the same time, they have to grow up as sensitive and conscientious persons.

The aims and objectives of health education and medical, Nursing and Health Education services are:

• to produce competent doctors, nurses, specialists, consultants of high standard, dentists, health assistants and workers, health technicians and health manpower to ensure necessary medical facilities to the entire population of the country to keep them healthy and to build them up as an active population;

• to build up capable manpower to ensure the primary healthcare for all to be provided by the government;

• Since medical profession is characteristically more sensitive and is related to the physical, mental sufferings/sickness that concern the issues of life and death, the specialists and general doctors, dentists, nurses, health assistants and workers and health technicians are to be motivated and trained as to work as sensitive and conscientious human beings devoted to the service of mankind.

• The benefits of the advancement of medical sciences will be carried to the people, particularly to the rural population. To do this, extension of medical education in the forms of training and research for the specialists, general doctors, dentists, health assistants and technicians, nurses and health workers is simply essential. They will be motivated to devote themselves to social and human services.

• to ensure higher training and use of modern technology to build up qualified medical educationists and specialists to cope with the problems of ailment of the country’s population;

• to conduct medical research to invent or discover new indigenous methods for healing diseases.


  1. Admission test will be held to admit new students in medical colleges after the completion of HSC degree No candidate will be allowed to sit for the admission test more than twice/two years.
  2. Medical colleges will follow 5-year curriculam and syllabuses and 1-year of internship.
  3. Larger number of medical academics and specialists are required for the extension and development of post-graduate medical studies. Steps will be taken in this regard. The existing post-graduate medical courses conducted by different medical colleges will continue.
  4. Standard of education must be ensured in all medical colleges. Provision for sufficient equipments and instruments in the laboratories will also be ensured. Measures will be taken for other provisions required.
  5. The demand for nursing profession has been increasing day by day at home and abroad. So opportunities for quality nursing education and nursing training have to be extended.
  6. Measures will be taken to introduce B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses in nursing.
  7. Nursing training centers will be attached to hospital management.
  8. Measures will be taken for the expansion of education and skilled training for the health assistants.
  9. Facilities for standard paramedical education will be expanded. Minimum requirement for admission in this course will be SSC or its equivalent. With the objective of building up larger manpower, all medical college hospitals will offer courses in nursing and paramedics.
  10. Beside developing modern medical education, steps will be taken to improve the traditional Homeopathy, Unani and Ayurvedic medical practices.
  11. To ensure quality education and training in private medical colleges, there must be a proper evaluation and monitoring system. Meticulous care will be taken to evaluate the project while approving new private medical colleges. A powerful medical accreditation council will be formed with efficient and appropriately powerful personnel to evaluate and certify these institutions.
  12. Besides, academic institutions for physio-therapy, clinical psychology, physical medicine and psychiatry will be established.
  13. Steps will be taken for necessary training in electro-medical and bio-medical engineering, biophysics, medical information science and physio-therapy in view of the increasing demand of health services.
  14. Provision will be created for higher education for the paramedics holding diploma in medical technology.

Pre-Primary Education

Aims and Objectives Before the children begin their formal education , we need to create an environment conducive to the growth of the universal human dispositions like the senses of endless wonder, infinite curiosity, joy and inexhaustible fervour that reside in the deep recesses of the infantile psyche. And this environment will prepare the children mentally and physically. So, it is important to introduce pre-primary schooling to prepare them for school education. This preparatory education conducted together with other fellow-mates will create an enthusiasm for learning in the children. With this objective, a one-year pre-primary schooling must be introduced for 5+ children. Later, this will be extended up to 4+ children. The curriculum at this phase will be: • Activities aimed at inspiring children to learn and to go to the school and cultivating their finer senses; • Grooming them to be tolerant to others and to infuse in them the ideas about discipline necessary for their subsequent formal education.


  1. Teaching at pre-primary level will be delivered through pictures, colours, attractive and simple education materials, models, rhymes, songs, games and handiwork.
  2. Teaching will be conducted in a pleasant environment characterized by love and care in appreciation of children’s spontaneous vigour, spirit and their natural inquisitive faculties and curiosity. The safety of the children will have to be ensured to resist any possible physical or mental tortures on them.
  3. Posts for teachers and number of classrooms will be increased in every school to facilitate pre-primary schooling. But since this is an expensive endeavor and requires a long time-span, so the initiative will be implemented in phases.
  4. This schooling will include the instructional programs of the mosques, temples, churches and pagodas presently being conducted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, which seek to impart religious teachings with alphabetical knowledge and modern education with moral lessons.

Primary Education

Aims and Objectives Primary education possesses utmost importance in our national life. Primary education is the basis of building up a skilled citizenry and the path to include the whole population within the education system. So, equal opportunities will be created to ensure access of all sections of children to primary education irrespective of ethnicity, socio-economic conditions, physical or mental challenges and geographical differences. This is the Constitutional responsibility of the state. Since this stage forms the foundation of subsequent levels of education, so delivery of quality primary education is a must. And since many of the students seek employment after this 12 stage, a strong base in primary education will equip them better in the job market.

To strengthen the general foundation of primary education at the national level, the existing discriminations among schools in regard to facilities, infrastructure constraints, lack of adequate number of teachers and the weaknesses in training will be adequately addressed. Primary education will be universal, compulsory, free and of uniform quality for all.  At present 100% children cannot be given access to primary schools for economic, regional and geographical factors. By 2010-11, 100% enrollment of primary education will be ensured. At least one primary school will be established in the villages that have none.

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 Aims and Objectives

Strategies Media of instruction

At this level, the media of instruction will be Bangla, but as per the competence of any educational institution, it may also be English. For foreigners, there will be provision for teaching of easy Bangla lessons.

Curriculum, Syllabus and Textbooks:

  1. There will be three streams at the secondary level, general, madrasa and technical and each stream will have several branches. However, for all streams, uniformity will be maintained through some stipulated compulsory subjects, such as Bangla, English, Bangladesh Studies, General Mathematics and Information Technology. Examinations of each of these subjects of all the streams will be held with identical question papers.
  2. there will be some compulsory and optional subjects in each of the streams.
  3. To achieve excellence in the stream-related subjects, the syllabus will be designed as per needs and specific syllabus will be developed accordingly.
  4. An experts’ team will be constituted to prepare curriculum and syllabus for all streams.
  5. National Curriculum and Textbook Board will be responsible to design the uniform curriculum and prepare necessary textbooks for every stream at secondary level, excepting the special subjects of Madrasa and Vocational Education. Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board and Bangladesh Technical Education Board will be responsible for designing and preparing the textbooks and curriculum of special subjects of Madrasa and Vocational Education.
  6. High schools need to be added with Classes XI & XII, while higher secondary colleges will have to add Classes IX & X. For this, the number of classrooms, furniture and educational instruments will be increased. In high schools, subject-related teachers including English will be appointed to teach at higher secondary level. For the implementation of these steps, special care will be taken for supply of funds.
  7. Infrastructure development of the educational institutions and availability of educational materials will be ensured to deliver proper education and there will be facilities of enriched library and instruments of sports. For better management of the library, the post of a librarian will be created.
  8. Every school offering science subjects must have a laboratory with necessary tools and apparatus and its proper use and maintenance will be ensured.
  9. Appropriate facilities similar to the steps noted in the primary education section will be provided to ensure equal opportunities for the students who suffer from some limitations. Regional discriminations will be dealt with accordingly. Economic activities and development of technology
  10. Measures will be taken to expedite government support on a priority basis (such as salary and benefits of teachers, the instruments and materials for teaching sciences etc.) to the schools offering various subjects of science or subjects related to social sciences and business studies, such as economics, accounting and other subjects like information technology, computer sciences connected with technical education. All these subjects are closely related to economic activities and development of technology.
  11. Adequate number of subject-wise teachers for different streams will be selected every year by the proposed Non-Government Teachers’ Selection Commission following appropriate process of written and oral examination. This Commission will function like the Public Service Commission. Appropriate authority will appoint teachers in different institutions from the selected persons.
  12. Training will be arranged for all the teachers of all subjects. Teachers yet untrained need to undergo training immediately. Newly-appointed teachers will undergo primary training before they join their work. Priority will be given to the trained teachers while filling in vacancies.
  13. On completion of Class X, a public examination will be held on a national basis. This will be known as Secondary Examination and stipends will be awarded till Class XII based on the score of this examination. On completion of Class XII, another public

exam will be held, which will be called Higher Secondary Examination. Creative methodology will be applied to both the examinations and evaluation will be made in the grading system. Stipends for higher studies will be offered on the basis of the results in Higher Secondary Examination

Higher Education

Aims and Objectives

The purpose of higher education is to generate and innovate knowledge, at the same time to build up a skilled manpower. Autonomy is a must for the center of higher studies including the universities. But it will be implemented under some set rules. A government monitoring system will be in place to monitor whether the allocated fund is being utilized in a proper way. At present, many specialists of specific areas devote their knowledge and research intensively to their specialized areas. That creates divisism in the area of knowledge. On the other hand, a counteraction also takes place leading to increasing interdependency of different branches of knowledge. As a result, science and technology, sociology, literature, arts, economics and other subjects are becoming interdependent. This is added by inventions of new technologies. Especially, with the unprecedented development of information technology and newer scientific inventions, the perception about the world is getting renewed.

In this context, no one can deny the importance of the co-ordination of knowledge that counteracts the divisism in the area. The traditional higher education system is not enough to fulfill present-day the needs of an independent country like Bangladesh. In this respect, re-structuring of the whole system is an imperative need. The non-government higher education institutions must run according to set rules so that they can deliver quality education, in particular, in the areas of science, technology and business studies.

The aims and objectives of higher education are:


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Bangladesh, a country known for its rich history and cultural tapestry, has been increasingly gaining attention for its medical education, particularly the MBBS program. Within the overarching structure of the education system in Bangladesh, MBBS stands out as a beacon of excellence and opportunity for aspiring medical students both locally and internationally.

Historical Overview of Medical Education
The journey of medical education in Bangladesh began alongside its broader educational reforms post-1971 independence. The country’s commitment to health and wellness led to the establishment of premier medical colleges offering the coveted MBBS in Bangladesh.

MBBS Curriculum: Comprehensive and Competitive

  1. Duration: A 5-year academic curriculum followed by a one-year mandatory internship.
  2. Subjects: Encompassing anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and clinical rotations among others.
  3. Clinical Exposure: Strong emphasis on practical experience with extensive hands-on training.

Why MBBS in Bangladesh Stands Out

  1. Affordability: Compared to many western countries and even neighboring regions, pursuing an MBBS in Bangladesh is cost-effective without compromising on quality.
  2. Global Recognition: Graduates are eligible to appear for major international medical examinations like the USMLE, PLAB, and MCI.
  3. Cultural Similarities: For students from neighboring countries, the cultural and climatic similarities make adaptation easier.
  4. Quality of Education: With continuous improvements in the education system in Bangladesh, the medical colleges benefit from modern curriculum, qualified faculty, and state-of-the-art infrastructure.

Challenges in the Medical Education System

  1. Competitive Entrance: With the rising popularity of MBBS in Bangladesh, the entrance examinations have become increasingly competitive.
  2. Language Barriers: While the curriculum is in English, interactions during clinical rotations may require understanding local dialects.

The Road Ahead: Integrating Medical Education and Health Reforms

  1. Research Focus: Encouraging more research-oriented studies can put Bangladesh on the global map for medical innovations.
  2. Collaborations: Tie-ups with international medical institutions can further enhance the quality and global standing of MBBS in Bangladesh.

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