Green Life Medical College And Hospital | Fortune Education
MBBS in Bangladesh

Green Life Medical College and Hospital

    Green Life Medical College and Hospital

  • Green Life Medical College and Hospital

    In 2005, about 50 distinguished physicians of the country started a Hospital to give specialized care in the private sector. They named it Green Life Hospital and it turned out to be a great success. So in 2009, they decided to make a medical college which will be a non-government, non-profit, self-financing project and will serve the humanity.

    This College came into existence in 2009. The college commences its activities with the enrollment of 51 students in the 1st batch in 2010. Since inception, the college has undergone tremendous development and became a splendid centre for learning and development. At present we are enrolling 110 students each year. Among them, numbers of seats are reserved for overseas students.

    We continue to evaluate and improve our programs to ensure the best medical education for the students. Our educational strategy is to create a conductive learning environment and to steer our students to acquire adequate knowledge, skills and temperament to practice medicine and be a competent health care professional group.

    Green Life Medical College (GMC) is approved by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC) and affiliated to the University of Dhaka.


    To create a diverse and vibrant graduate scholars in medical discipline and to create highly competent and committed physicians for the country.


    1. To provide an appropriate learning environment where medical students can acquire a sound theoretical knowledge and practical skills with empathetic attitude to the people.
    2. To carry out research in medical sciences to scale up the standard of medical education in the country.


    The campus is located at 32, Bir Uttom K. M. Shafiullah Sarak (Green Road), Dhanmondi, Dhaka. The location is at the heart of the mega city Dhaka and is facilitated with very good communication networks.

    The Medical College and the Hospital complexes have been raised in a multistoried fully air-conditioned building with an arrangement of approximately 550 patients. The building is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, excellent with an out-patient department and adequate in-patient facilities.

    Admission Information

    Admission Process

    Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh conducts a central written admission test at the national level for admission in the government and non-government Medical Colleges each year. They publish a merit list for eligible candidates. The authority of Green Life Medical College selects the students according to the merit list from the students who applied for admission in GMC.

    Criteria for Admission of Foreign Students in The Non-government Medical Colleges in Bangladesh for 2016-2017 Academic Year Under Self-finance Scheme:

    1. Equivalence of Foreign Degree:

    — Must have passed qualifying examinations (HSC/ ‘A’ level) or equivalent examination.

    — SSC/ ‘O’ or equivalent examination passed not before 2013

    — HSC/ ‘A’ or equivalent examination passed not before 2015

    — Minimum aggregate GPA in SSC or equivalent and HSC or equivalent : 7.00 (seven)

    — Minimum GPA either in SSC or equivalent or in HSC or equivalent: 3.0

    — Minimum GPA in biology: 3.5

    — For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in SSC/’0′ level or equivalent exam, only top 5 subjects are considered for calculation of GPA.

    —Therefore, GPA in SSC/ ‘O’ or equivalent examination = (total marks obtained in top five subjects) ÷ 5

    For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in HSC/ ‘A’ level or equivalent exam, only 3 subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) are considered for calculation of GPA. Qualifying grade in each subject individually is “C”.

    Therefore, GPA in HSC/ ‘A’ or equivalent examination= (total marks obtained in three subjects) ÷ 3

    1. Application Form:

    Three (3) copies of duly filled application forms along with the following documents should be sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaka :

    Copy of passport

    Six (6) passport size photographs

    All certificates duly attested by the competent authority, i. e. the Education Ministry of the respective country and also be authenticated by the respective Bangladesh Missions abroad/Foreign Missions based in Dhaka.

    1. Application Fee:

    Each applicant must attach with his/her application a non-refundable Demand Draft or Telegraphic Transfer (TT) of US$ 60.00 (sixty) payable to: “The Director, Medical Education and HMPD, DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh”.

    1. Only the applications processed through Bangladesh Missions abroad or through the Missions in Dhaka of respective countries will be considered for admission. Applications must reach the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dhaka within the application deadline, which will be published in the websites of DGHS, Bangladesh ( and Consulate of Bangladesh (
    2. Applications should be submitted in the prescribed form to be available from DGHS website: ( Attested copies of certificates and mark-sheets etc. have to be submitted along with the application. All certificates and mark-sheets must be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. No application will be accepted without attestation.

    iii. To ensure citizenship of foreign students, attested copies of passport must be submitted along with the application. The certificates/mark sheets and other testimonials need to be attested by the respective country’s education board/education ministry.

    1. Candidates interested in seeking admission in GMC, need to mention the name of Green Life Medical College in their application.
    2. Successful applicants will have to produce all the original academic certificates and mark-sheets/transcripts during their admission.
    1. Information for the Parents/Guardians:
    2. There are four professional examinations in MBBS Curriculum. There are two sessions of Professional MBBS Examination in a year, i.e. in May and November.
    3. Parents should encourage the student to attend their classes, item exams, term exams, as they are required to complete and pass all   term exams. Seventy five percent (75%) class attendance is required to be eligible for the each professional examination.
    4. The tuition fee per month should be paid within the first week of every month. Failure of payment within due date is liable to pay a late   fee per day along  with the dues. For delay in payment of one month the name of the particular student will be removed from the   Attendance Register. The name of the student will be removed from the College Register if the payment is not given for three months   consecutively.
    5. After successfully passing final professional MBBS examination there is one year Internship Training in Green Life Medical College   Hospital.
    6. Use of any kind of smart phone or tablet computer by the student is prohibited in the classrooms and campus. Use of internet in   normal mobile set is also not allowed.
    1. Accommodation facilities:

    GMC has two separate accommodation facilities for boys and girls. The rooms are comprising of double bed and triple bed. The accommodation facilities will be provided subject to the availability. However, seats are reserved for foreign students.


    Rules and Regulations for Students

    1. Students have to carry their “Identity cards” when in the college and in the hospital.
    2. Students must be well dressed, clean & attend the classes with white aprons.
    3. Fashionable dress, cosmetics, untidy hair, slippers are prohibited in the campus. Male students must wear shoes in the campus. Female students must tie   their hairs properly.
    4. Rings, bangles etc. are not allowed in the practical classes.
    5. Green Life Medical College is a non-smoking zone.
    6. Environment should be kept clean. Students are requested to throw solid waste/litter into waste bins.
    7. Sticking of posters on the walls of the college and the hospital premises are prohibited. These are considered as acts of indiscipline and the offenders involved   are liable to punishment.
    8. All types of agitation, processions, shouting in the college and hospital premises are prohibited and students involved in those activities are liable to be   expelled from college.
    9. Absence from classes individually or in a mass without prior information and without valid reasons are punishable.
    10. Students will state their problems/grievances/inconveniences to their respective Mentor. The Mentor will solve the problems of the students or refer them to   the  academic coordinator.
    11. Students must not misbehave with the staff or employees of the college. Misbehavior is an act of indiscipline and liable for   punishment.
    12. Students are expected to maintain the highest standard in their academic and private lives. Loss of moral and spiritual values or   addiction to alcohol and narcotic drugs are punishable offence.
    13. Text books, dissecting instruments or necessary equipment’s will not be provided by the college.
    14. Leave: In case of illness or other unavoidable reasons of non-attendance, a written statement from the parent/guardian should be   presented to the concerned office secretary, who in turn will submit it to the Academic Coordinator.
    15. Receiving private coaching from any teacher of Green Life Medical College is prohibited. If any student or his/her guardian seeks   private coaching from any teacher of this institution and if it be proved, he/she (student) may face dismissal from studentship/   expulsion from the examination or from college register.
    16. Cost of loss/damage to college/hospital property is liable to be realized from the student who is found responsible for the loss/   damage of the college/hospital property.
    17. Political activities are strictly prohibited in the college.
    18. Use of any kind of smart phone or tablet computer is prohibited in the classrooms and campus. Use of internet in normal mobile set is   also not allowed.

    MBBS Course

    The MBBS course has duration of 5 years and follows the directives of The University of Dhaka. The academic programme has been designed to cover all aspects of medical sciences.

    Phase Duration Professional MBBS Examination Subjects
    I 1 ½ years First Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry
    II 1 year Second Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine
    III 1 year Third Microbiology, Pathology and Pharmacology & Therapeutics
    IV 1 ½ year Final Medicine and allied subjects, Surgery and allied subjects, Obstetrics & Gynaecology

    B.Sc. Nursing

    Courses offered

    1. MBBS : The MBBS course has duration of 5 (five) years and follows the directives of The University of Dhaka. The academic programmeme has been designed to cover all aspects of medical sciences.
    2. B.Sc Nursing : The B.Sc Nursing course has duration of 4 (four) years.
    3. Post-basic Nursing : The Post-basic Nursing course has duration of 2 (two) years.

    Post-basic Nursing

    Courses offered

    1. MBBS : The MBBS course has duration of 5 (five) years and follows the directives of The University of Dhaka. The academic programmeme has been designed to cover all aspects of medical sciences.
    2. B.Sc Nursing : The B.Sc Nursing course has duration of 4 (four) years.
    3. Post-basic Nursing : The Post-basic Nursing course has duration of 2 (two) years.


    The College Library is in the level 13 of the academic section. It is a spacious hall, well and adequately furnished having a cool and silent atmosphere favourable for study. The Library is enriched with a wide collection of text and reference books as well as medical journals to provide current information to the students. It has an easy access system and remains open on all working days from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.

    Digital Library:

    Green Life Medical College has a digital section as a part of its library having Computers, scanner, printer, 24 hours high-speed internet access and also photocopier so that the students will get all the facilities near their hands which will save their time and is beneficial for their learning.

    Internship Training

    Internship Training

    After obtaining the MBBS degree, the student must complete one year internship at Green Life Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) including two week community placement in a Upazilla Health Complex which are pre-requisites for obtaining Permanent Registration from the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC). The training is specifically designed to develop necessary skills and attitudes to deal with common health problems as well as the difficult ones by working in the hospital and in the rural settings.

    Class Rooms

    Lecture Hall:

    There are four (4) Lecture Halls in GMC which are well furnished, centrally air-conditioned and enriched with all the modern audiovisual facilities like multimedia and sound system.

    Tutorial Rooms:

    All the Tutorial Rooms are spacious and well furnished and equipped with whiteboard and teaching-learning materials.

    The Laboratories, Museums and Practical Rooms are equipped with necessary and adequate teaching and learning materials based on the requirements of the different departments.

    Medical Education Unit and Quality Assurance Scheme

    Medical Education Unit (MEU): 

    Continuous Medical Educations, CPDs, Seminars, and Symposiums are held regularly under the supervision of Medical Education Unit of GMC.

    Paper presented in CME/CPD from December, 2015 till date:

    Date Topic Organized by Speaker
    02.12.15 Geriatric health: the story of a 105 years old patient Dept. of Medicine Dr. Ahmed Nashin
    03.12.15 Quality assurance scheme in under graduation Medical Education Medical Education Unit Prof. Dr. Ashraf Uddin Ahmed
    09.12.15 Update on Immunization Dept. of Paediatrics Dr. Nausheen Jahan Khan

    Dr. Sk. Hasanul Banna

    30.12.15 HIV/AIDS overview Dept. of Dermatology Dr. Jishan Ahmed
    13.01.16 Management of Diabetes Mellitus Dept. of Medicine Dr. Binti Biswas
    27.01.16 Thalassemia: an update Dept. of Paediatrics Dr. Sabrin Tabassum Simmy
    03.02.16 Pathology of Atherosclerosis Dept. of Pathology Dr. Hasan Hafizur Rahman
    10.02.16 Problem based learning Medical Education Unit Prof. Dr. Ashraf Uddin Ahmed
    17.02.16 Zika Virus Infection:
    A Vector Borne Disease
    Dept. of Community Medicine Dr. Ehsamul Azim
    02.03.16 Update on Orthopaedic surgey Dept. Orthopaedics & Traumatology Dr. Zobaer Rakib
    23.03.16 Chronic anal fissure: an update Dept. of Surgery Dr. Sk. Hasanul Banna
    13.04.16 Updated management of anxiety disorder Dept. of Psychiatry Dr. Asifuddaula Rizvi

    Dr. Saiful Islam

    04.05.16 Rape and Rape trauma syndrome Dept. Forensic medicine Dr. Sanjida Akhter
    11.05.16 An overview of mental illness Dept. of Psychiatry Dr. Anabeel Sen
    25.05.16 Management of Amblyopia Dept. of Ophthalmology Dr. Afnan Islam
    01.06.16 Current concept of fracture healing and bone regeneration Dept. of Orthopaedics & Traumatology Dr. Khaled-Ben Faruque Bhuiyan
    13.07.16 Sleep apnoea Dept. of Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery Dr. Khaled-Ben Faruque Bhuiyan
    20.07.16 How to make lecture effective Medical Education Unit Dr. Lima Shompa
    27.07.16 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR): basic life support Dept. of Anaesthesiology Dr. Khaled-Ben Faruque Bhuiyan

    Apply Now

    Quality Assurance Scheme (QAS):

    QA Scheme started in the year 2014.

    Name of the academic coordinator: Prof. Kamrun Nahar, Head, Dept. of Gynaecology & Obstetrics.

    Our Exclusive Authorized Representative:

    Fortune Education

    Official Website:

    Their Services for foreign students

    ♦ Offering MCI, WHO, IMED, BMDC & NMC Recognized College.

    ♦ Affordable fees structure & 5 years installment.

    ♦ Guidance for free Govt. / SAARC seats & special waiver.

    ♦ Counseling & On spot direct admission.

    ♦ Study loan assistance.

    ♦ Our maximum colleges are situated in main cities.

    ♦ In campus A/C, Non AC hostel, Play ground, Mosque, Canteen & Bank available.

    ♦ Providing MCI, DGHS Eligibility/ Equivalence  Application with required documentation, admission, visa guidance, airport Pickup, college dropping & accommodation.

    ♦ Visa extension & further necessary support



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Head Office

House #23/C, Zigatola, Dhanmondi,
Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh.
Phone: +880 1995529533 | +91-9903355537

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