MBBS in Bangladesh


Medical Education in Bangladesh


About Bangladesh, located in South Asia, bordered by India on the west, north, and east, with a small border with Myanmar (Burma) to the southeast and facing the Bay of Bengal to the south, is a nation rich in history, culture, and natural beauty.

With a predominantly agrarian economy, it has made significant strides in recent decades in sectors like textiles, shipbuilding, and information technology.


Geography: Spread over an area of approximately 147,570 square kilometers, Bangladesh offers diverse landscapes, from the lush Sundarbans mangrove forest in the south, home to the royal Bengal tiger, to the fertile plains, crisscrossed by an intricate web of rivers.

Population: With over 160 million inhabitants, it is one of the world’s most densely populated countries. The majority of the population resides in rural areas.

Language: Bengali (or Bangla) is the official language and is spoken by the vast majority of the population.

Religion: Islam is the predominant religion, followed by Hinduism.

Economy: Known for its textiles, especially the jute industry, Bangladesh has become a significant hub for ready-made garments that are exported worldwide. The country also has a growing IT sector and a burgeoning shipbuilding industry.

History: Formerly East Pakistan, Bangladesh became an independent nation after a brutal war of independence in 1971.

Culture: Rich in literature, music, dance, and art, Bangladesh boasts a vibrant cultural scene. The country celebrates the Bengali New Year, known as Pohela Boishakh, with much fervor. The works of Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam hold a special place in the hearts of the locals.

Cuisine: Characterized by its use of fish, rice, lentils, and spices, Bangladeshi cuisine offers a plethora of delightful dishes. The Hilsa fish, in particular, holds a special place in the culinary traditions.


UNESCO Sites: The historic mosque city of Bagerhat, the Sundarbans, and the ruins of the ancient Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Army Medical Colleges in Bangladesh

Natural Beauty: From the tea gardens of Sylhet to the serene beaches of Cox’s Bazar, which holds the title for the world’s longest natural sandy sea beach, Bangladesh’s natural beauty is mesmerizing.

Craftsmanship: Bangladesh is renowned for its handicrafts, especially the Muslin fabric, which was historically coveted around the world.

River Cruises: The nation offers unique experiences in the form of river cruises amidst its numerous rivers, providing a glimpse into the life of riverine communities.

The People: Above all, it’s the warmth and hospitality of its people that leaves an indelible mark on visitors.

Embracing the old with the new, Bangladesh stands as a testament to resilience, growth, and undying spirit. The country, with its myriad of experiences, promises a journey of discovery and wonder.


Medical Education in Bangladesh

College & Universities of Bangladesh

Medical Education in Bangladesh

Best Medical Colleges in Bangladesh with on-campus own AC Hostel

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About Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)


  1. Impart postgraduate medical education and training in various fields of medical science and practice.
  2. Promote research appropriate to the development of national healthcare services and medical science as a whole
  3. Provide tertiary level healthcare services to the patients referred from other medical institutions and hospitals of the country and abroad.

History of BSMMU:

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) is the premier Postgraduate Medical Institution of the country. It bears the heritage to Institute of Postgraduate Medical Research (IPGMR) which was established in December 1965. In the year 1998 the Government converted IPGMR into a Medical University for expanding the facilities for higher medical education and research in the country.

It has an enviable reputation for providing high quality postgraduate education in different specialties. The university has strong link with other professional bodies at home and abroad.

The university is expanding rapidly and at present, the university has many departments equipped with modern technology for service, teaching and research. 

Besides education, the university plays the vital role of promoting research activities in various discipline of medicine. Since its inception, the university has also been delivering general and specialized clinical service as a tertiary level health care center.

Physical Organization:

BSMMU complex has fivev main multistoried buildings that are identified as Block-A,Block-B,Block-C, Block-D and Cabin block respectively.

  • Block-A is a 7 storied building and accommodates the library, lecture theater, auditorium, hospital record section, students hostel, dental faculty and blood transfusion services. The library has a fairly large collection of current and back volumes of periodicals, textbooks, monographs and other related material.
  • Block-B is a 6 storied building which at its eastern wing accommodates the office of the Vice-Chancellor, administrative block, controller office, reception, conference hall, radiology department, digital library, hospital kitchen, maintenance department stores, endoscopy room, CT scan & MRI room, residential accommodation for the duty doctors and nurses.
  • The western part of Block-B is a 9 storied building and accommodates all the departments of basic medical sciences such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Hematology, Virology and Microbiology. A one-stop laboratory services is located at the ground floor. The animal house are located near this B-block in a separate building.
  • Block-C is the 10 storied main hospital building. This block accommodates the office of the Director of hospital and his administration, reception, telephone exchange, departments of Physical medicine, Pediatrics, Neonatology, Pediatric neurology, Pediatric surgery, Clinical pathology, Dermatology, Nephrology, Urology, Neurology, Neuro-Surgery, Ophthalmology, ENT, Obstetrics & gynecology, Surgery, Hepatobiliary Surgery, Lithotripsy room, Operation theater, Anesthesiology, Pain clinic, Intensive Care Unit (ICU) & Post-operative word.
  • Block-D is the 18 storied building (under construction). This block accommodates the Emergency, Casualty, Cardiac emergency, Obstetric & gynecology emergency, Orthopedics emergency,  Cardiology, Cath Lab, CCU, Cardiac surgery, Vascular surgery, Pediatric hematology & oncology, Pediatric cardiology, Pediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology, Orthopedics, Phychiatry, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Medicine, Oncology & Institute of Nuclear Medicine (INM) a joint project of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission and BSMMU. The INM has modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities including computerized ultrasonography, gamma camera and a well equipped radioimmunoassay (RIA) laboratory. This is considered to be the best center for non-invasive diagnoses.
  • Block-E Cabin Block: i. OPD 1 ii.OPD 2

The causality department, out-patient departments for Medicine, Surgery, Neuro surgery, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Hematology,  Psychiatry, Pediatric surgery and Hospital dispensary are located in a  separate complex.

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Functional organization:

Vice-Chancellor is the chairman of Syndicate & Academic Council and Chief Executive of BSMMU. He is assisted by the Pro-vice Chancellor (Academic & Finance), Pro-vice Chancellor (Hospital),

Treasurer, Registrar, Controller of Examinations,  Superintendent of Hospital, Director Finance, Inspector of Colleges & Postgraduate Institutes, Syndicate committees, Academic Council committees and various administrative committees. University follows the regulation, statuses of ordinance and rules made by the syndicate of the university.

The university runs its administration & finance with the rules, regulation, and assistance set by the University Grant Commission and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.


Chittagong Medical University


About CMCH

Chittagong Medical College Hospital was established in the year 1957 and started functioning at Anderkhilla general Hospital,Chittagong.It started functioning in the present site in 1960 with only 120 beds and few outpatient services.

Later it upgraded to 500 beds in 1969,750 in 1996 and 1010 in 2001. Administrative approval for 1313 beds in 2013 from MOHFW.

At the beginning of the hospital,there are only two departments ,Surgery and Gynecology and Obstetrics.The General Hospital at that time used to serve as the department of Medicine and allied specialties till 1969.

This has become now one of the largest hospital in the country and referral hospital(Tertiary level 3) in greater Chittagong. area.

The present six storied hospital building was completed in 1969 and renovated under ADB project in 1998 which now accommodates all the clinical departments and sub specialties.At present CMCH serve the area of nearly 50000 sq-km and provide health care services to a larger population of 40 million.

As years passed by, new treatment facilities kept being added and at present a Nuclear Medicine Centre for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, a Coronary care unit, an endoscopy Unit, a kidney dialyzing unit, a Model Family Planning Centre, a Centre for Extended Program for Immunisation (EPI) are among the many facilities available to the in- and outpatients.

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Present status:


Capability of CMCH:

  1. This hospital has the capability to admit 1313 patients with all indoor & outdoor facilities.
  2. It can treat patients at tertiary level with all speciality & sub –speciality.
  3. It can handle critically ill patients to be managed in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) & Coronary Care Unit (CCU).PaedietricICU(PICU),SCANU(Special care Neonatal unit,HDU. >br> 4. It is a training institute and affiliated to Chittagong Medical College for undergraduate (MBBS, BDS) courses and 33 post-graduate courses & other courses such as Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) etc.
  4. It has the ability to manage 100 casualties with 20 mixed casualties during or after any disaster.
  5. It has the most modern investigation facilities such as Angiogram, CT & MRI etc.
  6. It has a One-stop Crisis Centre (OCC) to deal with domestic violence against women, sexual assault and acid burn etc.
  7. One Burn unit of 25 beds


Rajshahi Medical University



Rajshahi Medical College Hospital is the only tertiary level hospital in this area, situated in the heart of Rajshahi city. The hospital receives a large number of patients from areas including whole Rajshahi division and the northern part of Khulna Division.

This institute started its journey in 1958 with only 550 beds but now is able to accommodate around 1700 patients on a daily basis. Although the manpower specially the 3rd class & 4th class employees remain the same (manpower for 550 beds), the hospital relentlessly tries to overcome this limitation and provide desired services to the people.

Several new departments and wards have been established in recent years bringing along new instruments and modern treatment ideas to the facility. ICU, CCU, HDU, Nephrology with dialysis facilities,

Neurology, Oncology, Cardiology, Neonatology etc. are the specialized departments which are providing satisfactory services to the patients. Among machinery equipment MRI, CT scan, Angiogram etc.

are fully functioning. Recently this hospital received a Bracky-therapy machine and started its operation successfully.

Historical view

Rajshahi, Historically Rampur Boalia, nicknamed “Silkcity” is located on the north bank of the Padma river. Rajshahi lies in the ancient region of Pundra Vardhana. The city is blessed by the mazar of Sufi Saint Hazrat Shah Mukhdam. Rajshahi is famous for silk, mango and these are the main attractions of city not only for people at home but also abroad.

It is well-known all over the country that Rajshahi is the city of education and as its part Rajshahi Medical College and the Rajshahi Medical College Hospital was established in 1958. Since then this hospital has been serving the people of the whole northern part of Bangladesh.

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University of Rajshahi

The University of Rajshahi, also known as Rajshahi University or RU is a public university which is the second largest university in Bangladesh, in Rajshahi, a city in northwestern Bangladesh. It was established in 1953, the second university to be established in what was then East Pakistan. The university is ranked third on the Bangladesh University Ranking 2017.

The university’s 58 departments are organised into ten faculties.
Rajshahi University is in a 753 acres (3 km2) campus in Motihar, 3 kilometres (2 mi) from the Rajshahi city centre.

With 25,000 students and close to 1000 academic staff, it is one of the largest universities in Bangladesh. In addition to hosting programs in engineering, arts, law, sciences, agriculture, social sciences, business studies and medical sciences, the university houses institutes of higher studies.



The description on the memorial says, “Rajshahi University: Those who were martyred during the Liberation war”. The first proposal to establish a university came in 1917, when Calcutta University created the Sadler Commission to assess the university system in Bengal.

However, the recommendations of the report had no immediate consequences. Following the Partition of India in 1947, what is now Bangladesh became East Pakistan. University of Dhaka, established in 1921, was the only university in East Pakistan at the time.

Demand for a university in the northern part of East Pakistan gained momentum when two universities were established in West Pakistan without the establishment of any in the east.

Students of Rajshahi College were at the forefront of the movement demanding a new university.

Finally, Rajshahi was selected as the home for the second university in East Pakistan and the Rajshahi University Act of 1953b (East Bengal Act XV of 1953) was passed by the East Pakistan provincial Assembly on 31 March 1953. Itrat Hossain Zuberi, the principal of Rajshahi College was appointed its first vice-chancellor.

Initially, the university was housed in temporary locations, such as the local Circuit House and Bara Kuthi, an 18th-century Dutch establishment. B B Hindu Academy, a local school, housed the library, teachers’ lounge and the medical centre.

The university started out with 20 professors, 161 students (of which 5 were female) and six departments—Bengali, English, History, Law, Philosophy and Economics. In 1964, the offices moved to the permanent campus.

The 1960s was a turbulent period in Bangladesh when demands for East Pakistani autonomy became stronger. The students and staff of the university started playing an increasing role in politics. On 18 February 1969,

Shamsuzzoha, a professor, was killed by the police when he tried to prevent them from shooting student demonstrators. This date is now commemorated as Zoha Day. During the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971, the campus was used as a base by the Pakistan Army. A number of professors, students and officers of the university were killed by the Pakistan army during this period.

After independence, a new act regarding the administration of the university came into being—the Rajshahi University Act of 1973. The post-independence years saw the university grow steadily in student enrolment and size of the academic staff.

However, the 1980s were turbulent for the university, as the students agitated with other institutions of the country against the military rule of Hossain Muhammad Ershad.

Since the early 1990s, the university have seen relative calm and lowering of session backlogs, though active student politics remains a contentious issue.

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The circle of the emblem represents the world. An open book is shown in red and gold: red representing one of the colours of the national flag and gold the value of education.

The body of the book is blue, the colour of the sky, and at the centre is a shapla flower (Nymphaeaceae), the national flower of Bangladesh.

The university’s main campus is in Motihar, on the eastern side of the city of Rajshahi and a mile from the river Padma. The campus area is nearly 753 acres (3.05 km2). Access to the walled-off campus is controlled through three security gates.

It houses eleven large academic buildings—five for the arts, business studies and social sciences, four for the sciences and two for agricultural studies.


The central part of the university, accessible by the main gate, is dominated by the administrative building, where the offices of the vice-chancellor and other officials are located.

This is flanked by the senate building and the residence of the vice-chancellor on one side (featuring the famous Shabash Bangladesh sculpture) and the university mosque and Shaheed Minar complex on the other. Behind the administrative building is the central library, around which the four science buildings and three main arts buildings are.

The science buildings are named numerically as the “First Science Building” and so on.

The arts buildings are named after Muhammad Shahidullah, Momtazuddin Ahmed and Rabindranath Tagore. More towards the east lie the stadium, the new teacher-student centre and the main auditorium.

The Kazla gate provides access to the southwestern part of the campus.

The Juberi international guest house, Rajshahi University School and the main residential facilities for the academic staff and university officers are here.Near the residential areas are all five dorms (known as residential halls) for female students.

The eastern part of the campus houses the Institute of Bangladesh Studies, the medical and sports facilities, and more residential facilities for the staff—but is dominated by the eleven large dormitories for male students.

From the Binodpur gate, the residential halls named after Nawab Abdul Latif, Shamsuzzoha and Madarbux are to the north, while Sher-e-Bangla hall and the oldest dorm Motihar Hall lie to the west.

The second largest mass graves in Bangladesh from the 1971 war era is behind Shamsuzzoha Hall.

The campus contains many mango orchards and some litchi trees. The Paris Road is one of the most soothing places inside the campus. It starts from just behind the Juberi international guest house and ends in front of the Shaheed Minar.

It has been said that it has been named as Paris Road because of the trees beside this beautiful road originating from Paris.

The Rajshahi area is regarded as one of the best mango producing areas in the country,  and these orchards are leased out to professional farmers during the summer, when the fruits grow. The campus also reflects the region’s silk industry, fields of mulberry trees are in the campus for agricultural and research needs.

The northern part of the campus houses a botanical garden, which has a good collection of rare plants.

Other facilities

A few miles from the main campus is the Varendra Research Museum, one of the richest repertory of Bengal sculptures in the world.

Established in 1910 by Ramaprasad Chanda, the museum became a part of the university in 1960s when a financial crisis threatened its existence. Under the university, the museum has thrived, adding a folklore gallery to its impressive collection from ancient and medieval Bengal.

The Bara Kuthi, where the university was established is still under university
control, and is on the Padma not too far from Varendra Museum.

The university has an agricultural facility few miles from the main campus. Rajshahi University maintains other facilities across the country including a guesthouse in the capital city, Dhaka.



University of Rajshahi is home to many architectural and artistic landmarks, with an area of about almost 304 hectors. The Shaheed Minar is an important example, complete with a mural designed by Murtaza Bashir.

The Senate House is a modern mini-parliament house, has 206 rooms and is fully air-condHitioned.

It is usually used for meetings of the senate of the university, but it accommodates national and international conferences, seminars and symposiam.[citation needed] In front of the Senate House is Shabash Bangladesh, one of the largest war memorial sculptures in the nation, designed and constructed by Nitun Kundu.

The name comes from a poem by Sukanta Bhattacharya of the same name, the last four lines of which is engraved under the structure.

Golden Jubilee Tower, a 2003 addition to the university’s array of sculptures, commemorates the its 50th anniversary. It is right beside the main gate.

It has also an open theatre and two beautiful murals. Other well-known buildings include the library and the university mosque. The Department of Fine Arts hosts a sizeable collection of contemporary art, while Varendra Museum has a large collection of ancient and medieval art.

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Organization and administration:

The university is run according to the Rajshahi University Act of 1973. The act, passed in 1973, allows the university considerably more autonomy than most other peer institutions. The president of Bangladesh is the de facto chancellor, but his role is mainly ceremonial.

The highest official after the chancellor is the vice-chancellor, selected by the senate of the university every four years. The vice-chancellor, as of June 2017, is M. Abdus Sobhan.

Other important officers include the pro vice-chancellor, the registrar, the controller of examinations and the proctor. The proctor is in direct charge of student activities and is the official with most direct contact with the students.

The most important statutory bodies of the university are the senate, the academic council and the syndicate.

As a public institution, most of Rajshahi University’s funding comes from the government.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is the body responsible for allocating funds to all public universities. Students are admitted after they pass the Higher Secondary Exam (HSC exam).

In earlier days students partook in entrance examinations, a separate one for each department. But now students need to partake under unit of different faculty. 

This has been a contentious issue, as there used to be only one exam for each faculty, after which students would be allocated to departments according to their result and choice of program.

The public University of Rajshahi’s tuition fees are relatively low; nevertheless, a hike in admission fees, during the 2006–07 session, drew criticism from student bodies.

As of 2007, the university awarded a total of 340 scholarships, whose annual value is around 1.1 million taka. In addition, there are merit awards given by residential halls, departments and the university itself. Students are eligible for the Prime Minister’s Gold Medal award.

All colleges of the northern and southern regions of the country used to be affiliated with the University of Rajshahi. However, the administration of colleges across the country was taken over by the National University when it was established in 1992.

University of Chittagong


Creative endeavor for reaching a global height in higher education.


To enlighten not only the stakeholders of the University but also the whole of the nation and the world community at large through acquiring and imparting knowledge and world-class education based on productive research, teaching and training with adequate motivational and innovative initiatives to serve entire mankind.


Welcome to the University of Chittagong

We welcome you in the name of our golden university. We are pleased to introduce Chittagong University of the Bangladesh Convention, Chittagong, to you and hope that what you learn as you browse through our web site will give you insights into the many advantages the University has to offer.

Chittagong University is a significant landmark in the academic heritage of its proprietor, the Bangladesh Convention.  Students who attend Chittagong University find it to be a place where they can grow academically, morally and spiritually, in a novel environment. Chittagong University is a community where educators, staff and students live and work in an atmosphere of mutual commitment in the richness of the Bangladeshi tradition.

Our campus is characterized by academic and administrative staff that care about individuals and devote time to getting to know students.

Chittagong’s uniqueness is the strong emphasis it places on Godliness as well as academic excellence, coupled with its profound stress on the importance of service to others as a meaningful way to develop values that will enrich the world. 

Indeed, whether your interest lies in business, science, or the humanities, you will find at Chittagong, a comprehensive center of learning – technologically on the cutting edge, internationally connected in terms of curriculum, and moving toward a diversity that reflects the realities of our world

The beauty of our campus makes it an ideal atmosphere for learning, whether in the classroom, through academic and laboratory exercises, or through special projects, tutorials and assignments. 

A full complement of extra-curricular activities allows our entire students or student body to enjoy special interests, share in the excitement of student life and develop leadership skills that reflect individual competence.

I have had the pleasure of being involved in higher education for more than 30 years but I can think of no greater challenge than being a part of the Chittagong experience, as it prepares credible graduates to be leaders that are productive, effective, honest, focused, and God fearing.

MBBS in Bangladesh