Uttara Adhunik Medical College | Fortune Education +8801995529533
MBBS in Bangladesh

Uttara Adhunik Medical College

    Uttara Adhunik Medical College

  • Uttara Adhunik Medical College


    The main course offered at UAMC is that the Bachelor of drugs and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) supported undergraduate medical course curriculum (Newly revised; September 2012) approved by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council and by the school of drugs of Dhaka University (DU). The medical students are going to be awarded MBBS degree by Dhaka University (DU) upon their successful completion of the course and spending final professional MBBS examination.

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    Uttara Adhunik Medical College National Goal:

    To produce competent, compassionate, reflective and dedicated health care professionals who:

    consider the care and safety of their patients their first concern
    establish and maintain good relationship with patients, their attendants and colleagues are honest, trustworthy and act with integrity
    are capable of handling common diseases and health problems of the country and are willing to serve the community particularly the agricultural community
    but at an equivalent time acquire firm basis for future training,

    service and research at both national and international level
    are committed to stay their knowledge and skill up-to-date through “Continuous Professional Development” during their business life .

    For direct MBBS online Direct admission, Scholarship, and information, Contact Fortune Education: Call or WhatsApp +880 1995529533, +91-9903355537

    At the top of the MBBS Course students shall:

    Acquire knowledge and understanding of
    a) The sciences upon which Medicine depends and therefore the scientific and experimental methods;

    b) The structure, function and normal growth and development of the physical body and therefore the workings of the mind and their interaction, the factors which can disturb these, and therefore the disorders of structure and performance which can result;

    c) The etiology, explanation and prognosis of the common mental and physical ailments. Students must have experience of emergencies and an honest knowledge of the common diseases of the community and of ageing processes;

    d) Normal pregnancy and childbirth, the common obstetric emergencies, the principles of ante-natal and post natal care, and medical aspects of birth control and psycho-sexual counseling;

    e) The principles of prevention and of therapy, including health education, the amelioration of suffering and disability, rehabilitation, the upkeep of health in adulthood and therefore the care of the dying;

    f) Human relationships, both personal and social and therefore the interaction between man and his physical, biological and social environment;
    g) The organization and provision of health care within the community and in hospital, the identification of the necessity for it, and therefore the economic, ethical and practical constraints within which it operates; and

    h) the moral standards and legal responsibilities of the medical community .
    Develop the professional skills necessary to

    a) Elicit, record and interpret the relevant medical record , symptoms and physical signs, and to spot the issues and the way these could also be managed;
    b) perform simple practical clinical procedures;
    c) affect common medical emergencies;

    d) Communicate effectively and sensitively with patients and their relatives;
    e) Communicate clinical information accurately and concisely, both by word of mouth and in writing, to medical colleagues and to other professionals involved within the care of the patient; and
    f) Use laboratory and other diagnostic and therapeutic services effectively and economically and within the best interests of his patients.
    Develop appropriate attitudes to the practice of drugs , which include

    a) Recognition that a mix of scientific and humanitarian approaches is required in medicine.
    b) A capacity for self education, in order that he may still develop and extend his knowledge and skills throughout his business life , and recognize his obligation to contribute if he can to the progress of drugs and to new knowledge;

    c) the power to assess the reliability of evidence and therefore the relevance of knowledge domain to succeed in conclusions by logical deduction or by experiment and to guage critically methods and standards of medical practice;

    d) a unbroken concern for the interests and dignity of his patients;
    e) a capability to understand the restrictions of his own knowledge, combined with a willingness, when necessary, to hunt further help; and
    f) The achievement of excellent working relationships with members of the opposite health care professions.

    Learning Outcomes of MBBS course:

    To achieve the National goal and course objectives, a group of “Essential learning outcomes/ competences” which students of the medical colleges / institutes on completion of MBBS course and at the purpose of graduation must be ready to demonstrate has been defined by BMDC are:

    I) The graduate with knowledge of scientific basis of practice
    II) The graduate as a practitioner
    III) The graduate as knowledgeable

    Medium of Instruction: English

    Duration: MBBS course comprises of 5 Years, followed by logbook based rotatory internship for one year

    Course structure and duration

    The MBBS course is of 05 academic years (excluding 01 year compulsory internship training required for registration to BMDC) is described under 4 phases:

    First 1.5 years as preclinical studies (Phase -1),
    Next 2 years of Paraclinical studies (Phase – 2 & 3) and
    Last 1.5 years of clinical studies ((Phase – 4)
    At the top of every phase the scholars shall attend the central summative phase assessments under DU; officially named because the professional MBBS examinations (similar to board exams).

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    (Online /Direct Admission & Seat Confirmation)




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Head Office

House #23/C, Zigatola, Dhanmondi,
Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh.
Phone: +880 1995529533 | +91-9903355537

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